Eat Well and Stay Safe on World Egg Day
GOOD food is not only comforting but is also a rich source of important vitamins and minerals which will help fight infection. Eggs are among the most nutritious natural foods you can eat and can be used in a variety of ways to make low-cost, tasty meals
This year to mark World Egg Day, a range of egg recipes are being shared on Instagram and Facebook This campaign will centre around newly developed recipe videos as an interesting way of highlighting the versatility and health benefits of cooking with eggs for all ages.The campaign will be led by dietician, Orla Walsh Orla is a qualified sports nutritionist as well as being a parent and she aims to educate consumers on the nutritional benefits of eggs and in particular Vitamin D.
Why not follow our campaign on Instagram and Facebook @bordbia or click here to go directly to the Innstagram page and click here to go directly our Facebook page.