Make Your Own Egg Characters
- Get a large egg and paint or colour it in with a black or brown felt pen
- Cut out a piece of thick orange paper in a triangle shape and glue on a beak
- Then use 2 small stones from your garden for feet
- Dye the egg pink or else paint your egg pink.
- Glue on miniature marshmallows for 4 legs and a snout
- Curl up a pipe cleaner and stick it on the end for the pig’s tail
- Draw eyes on with a felt pen
- Dye or paint egg blue
- Get some different coloured paper and cut out a triangle and wings and glue on
- Cut out some thin cardboard for the feet!
Egg Family
- You can create your own family of egg men and women just by gathering whatever materials you can get your hands on!
- Try using paints or felt pens to draw faces or entire bodies on your egg.
- Cotton wool can be used as hair and cotton tips for arms!
- Paper and foil can be used as hats and even try using some food like sultanas or nuts to stick on feet or a nose!
You can create your own family of characters simply by using your imagination!