Omega Enriched Eggs
What’s so good about omega enriched eggs?
Omega enriched eggs are from hens fed a healthier natural diet enhanced with Omega 3 fatty acids so the eggs they lay are rich in omega 3, these hens are also free range.
What’s Omega 3 good for ?
- The Heart & Circulation – Consumption of omega 3 reduces the risk of heart disease & stroke
- The Joints – omega 3 can reduced stiffness & pain in the joints helping to prevent arthritis
- The Growing Brain – Pregnant and breast- feeding mothers are recommended to maintain a high omega 3 intake.
How much omega 3 is in an average omega enriched egg?
An average enriched egg contains 220 mg of Omega 3 fatty acids, which gives you just over 40% of the recommended daily intake of omega 3.
Omega enriched eggs also have Eggstra Vitamin E !
Vitamin E is an antioxidant which can help protect your body from the damage that can cause heart disease and cancer as cells decay. An average O-Megga Egg contains 5mg of Vitamin E providing you with over half of your recommended daily intake.
The brands of omega enriched eggs currently available in Ireland are:
- O-Megga Eggs
- Eggcel
- Super Eggs
- Mega Eggs
- Omega 3 Plus
Scientific Studies Supporting the benefits of omega enriches eggs are numerous click on these links for further information, or download these PDFs.